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At HCS, we believe that our athletic programs should, first and foremost, serve as an example of Christian sportsmanship. Our desire is to promote teamwork, excellence, and glorifying the Lord in all that we do. Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1Corinthians 10:13).

In regards to sportsmanship, we feel that Philippians 1:27 applies here: "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." In other words, as Christian athletes, our students are expected to exercise good judgment, and their actions and words should serve as their Christian witness. Parents likewise are encouraged to model these traits.


Heritage Christian School offers secondary students the opportunity to participate in these sports: FALL: girls volleyball, boys soccer; WINTER: girls basketball, boys basketball; SPRING: girls soccer, and boys baseball. All students are required to have a sports physical, and student athletes and their parents must also sign and turn in the KSHSAA Concussion & Head Injury Information Release Form BEFORE participating in the sport. Refer to the Resources page for a link to these forms. 


HCS plays in the Midwest Christian Athletic Association (MCAA). This conference is comprised of seven total schools, two in Topeka (Heritage Christian, and Cornerstone), and five in Kansas City (Blue Ridge Christian, Shawnee Mission Christian, New Hope Christian, St. Joseph Defenders, and Whitefield Academy).


Athletic Director:

Curtis Current


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High School Girls Volleyball:

Jamie Fowles, Coach


Junior High Girls Volleyball:

Megan Perry, Coach


High School Boys Soccer:

Jared Rand, Coach

Curtis Current, Assistant


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High School Girls Basketball:  

Jeff Martens, Coach

Grace Current, Assistant


Junior High Girls Basketball:

Chrissy Seashols, Coach


High School Boys Basketball:

John Freerksen, Coach

Curtis Current, Assistant 


Junior High Boys Basketball:

Ryan Current, Coach


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High School Girls Soccer:

Jared Rand, Coach

Curtis Current, Assistant

Ryan Current, Assistant

Toni Drinkard, Assistant


High School Boys Baseball:

Kenny Kessler, Coach

Scott Chew, Assistant



Home Gate Fees for all

regular season home games

and matches:   

Adults  $5

Students $4

Family $15


* Games, dates, and times

subject to change.

Click here to check out our

Athletic Page (The Eagle Faithful)

on Facebook



Click here for directions to​

away sporting events.


© 2023 Heritage Christian School  |  2000 NW Clay Street  |  Topeka, KS 66608  |  785.286.0427  |

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