"Equipping Children to Serve Christ."
2000 NW Clay Street | Topeka, KS 66608
785.286.0427 | info@HCStopeka.org
The 24-25 yearbooks are on sale now for $65. Please contact the HCS office or Mr. Fanning to purchase a yearbook.
This year the 24-25 yearbook will come in two installments. The main part of the book will arrive in early May. They will be distributed to the elementary teachers to hand out to their students, and the secondary students’ books will be handed out at the signature party. The specific time and date of books being handed out will be announced closer to the arrival time of the books.
The second installment of the yearbook will be in the form of a supplement that will arrive in August. The supplement will be easily added to the main part of the book.
We are excited about this new approach. One of the main reasons we chose to do it this way is so that students can receive the main part of the book during that school year.
3rd Singers & Choralaires to library/other caroling @10:20
3rd Washburn Tech Informational Meeting @ 4:30
6th Kindergarten Shut-In caroling @ 9:40
7th PTF Movie Night
10th Junior High Choir to Library for Caroling @ 9:30
12th Elementary Christmas Program @ 6:00
16th Singers & Choralaires 11:00 to Sacred Heart Church
16th Secondary Christmas Program @6:00
17-19th Secondary Finals
19th End of 2nd Quarter
20 No School - Teacher Workday
23-Jan 6 No School - Christmas Break
6th No School - Teacher Workday
7th First Day of Spring Semester
13th-17th Penny War Week!
20th No School - MLK Day
21st-24th Spirit Week!