"Equipping Children to Serve Christ."
2000 NW Clay Street | Topeka, KS 66608
785.286.0427 | info@HCStopeka.org

Storehouse ("Raise Right") provides an opportunity to raise money for HCS while you shop. You can purchase gift cards for everyday expenses like food, clothing, and entertainment. For each purchase, Heritage earns a percentage of the purchase price. Each percentage point will be added to your family's PSC total for the semester. Popular merchants include Wal-Mart, Target, Sonic, and many more.
Scrip cards for many merchants are always available in the office for immediate purchase.
Click here for an order form **Updated on Google Drive under "ScriptToGo"**
(these are also available in the school office.) Online orders can be placed at www.shopwithscrip.com with HCS Code 712DFF8C9244 . View instructions here.https://www.raiseright.com/enroll?enrollCode=712DFF8C9244

Other ways to support Heritage Christian School
When ordering from Lands End, please always use our preferred school code: 900088592.
Make GoodSearch your search engine and select Heritage Christian School as your charitable organization. They will give to our school every time you do an online search.
Anytime you make online purchases, please remember to use www.goodshop.com. There are many merchants that will make a percentage of your purchase a donation to HCS if you simply click through the GoodShop website.
Download the Box Tops for Education App. Scan your grocery receipts for instant rewards. The receipt must be scanned within two weeks of purchase. If you would prefer to have the office scan the receipts, bring them to the office within two weeks of purchase.
Best Choice labels can be saved and brought to the school office. Be sure to turn them in to the HCS office on a regular basis, as most of these do have expiration dates.
HCS also participates in the Dillon’s Community Rewards program. This program allows you to give to HCS every time you shop with your Dillon’s Plus Shopper’s card. It’s as easy as following the four steps below:
Go to www.dillons.com/communityrewards and create a new account.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to “Community Rewards.”
Click on “Enroll Now.”
Find and select us using our organization name (“Heritage Christian School”) or organization number (29269).
If you don’t have a Dillon’s in your area, try Bakers, Gerbes, Kroger, or any other affiliated stores. (www.bakersplus.com/communityrewards, www.gerbes.com/communityrewards.)
Turn your Casey’s purchases into donations to Heritage Christian School. Sign up for Casey’s Rewards in the Casey’s app, and turn points earned on everyday purchases into a donation. Help Heritage Christian School make the most of this program and learn more at
http://caseys.com/schools. Get started today!
For more information about any of the above, contact the HCS Office at (785) 286-0427.
Thank you for supporting our school!