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Instrumental and Vocal Music

Elementary students attend music classes two days a week. Our 4th and 5th grade students also participate in Elementary Band. In addition, all elementary students have the opportunity for individual private lessons as an “after-school” activity. They also participate in several musical performances throughout the year that include Grandparents' Day, Veterans' Day, Christmas Program, and Spring Program.


Secondary students may participate in Choir, Band, and Worship Team as part of their elective curriculum. The student Worship team provides music for secondary chapel services. The Choir travels to sing at several events around the city. The annual Valentine’s Day outing, for instance, can include as many as 15 to 20 different locations. Additionally, the Choir and Instrumental groups may participate in Fine Arts Festivals as they become available. Students in 5th-12th grades are also encouraged to prepare solo and small ensemble musical pieces (with staff guidance) for these festivals.

Theater & Performing Arts


HCS students in grades K-5 have opportunities to participate in various theatrical activities throughout the school year, such as short plays acted out during weekly chapel service and recitals of poems during various after school meetings.


Middle School and High School Drama students learn skits to perform at some elementary and high school chapels. At times, they also perform their skits at local churches.    

Young Authors

Each year, all HCS Elementary school students participate in the HCS Young Authors contest.  Each student creates and publishes a book to be judged by a panel of teachers.  Prizes for the best entries are awarded at the annual Spring Program/Open House.

Secondary Vocals:

Darla Harris


Elementary Vocals:

Darla Harris

Heidi Parker


Instrumental Music:

Darla Harris


Graphic Arts:

Jim Fanning​


Worship Team:

Darla Harris


Pep Band:

Darla Harris


Secondary Drama:

Yolonda Jackson

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